Nursery Environment


The nursery and it's environment are very important to the ethos of the nursery, designed with the children in mind and being aware of the importance of space. Sunflowers hope to provide a safe, bright, friendly atmosphere which is welcoming to both parents and children.

The nursery is a purpose built single storey building with two main playrooms (Ladybirds and Caterpillars). Additional rooms are a bathroom with four toilets and a sluice, office, family room, kitchen and hall.

All play areas are well resourced and have a large amount of quality equipment. Additional resources are stored in the main cupboard in Ladybirds. Additional art and craft materials are stored in the main cupboard in Caterpillars.

While we have a vibrant learning environment we have endeavored to create a homely feeling with lots of cosy spaces and soft furnishings to ensure comfort and security for all children.